6 Dangers of Untreated Gum Disease in The Woodlands, TX

 In Gum Disease

Gum disease is a widespread condition affecting millions of people in America. One out of every two adults has some form of gum disease. Often, it isn’t noticed until you visit a dentist for an oral exam.

Oral hygiene doesn’t just involve keeping your teeth healthy; oral care also means taking care of your whole body. Neglected mouths can lead to serious problems throughout your body. We’re currently facing an unprecedented global crisis, so taking proper precautions is essential. It would be best if you didn’t put yourself at risk.

Some health conditions can be prevented by maintaining good dental hygiene.

If you’re suffering from gum disease, you may be able to prevent it by brushing twice daily for at least two minutes.

Plaque and tartar buildup causes gum disease, which causes teeth to fall out. Gum disease causes chronic inflammation.

Adults under 30 rarely show any signs of gum disease because the early stages are usually painless. However, adults between 30–40 typically show signs of gingivitis.

Signs of a gum disease

  • Bad breath
  • Red or inflamed gums
  • Bleeding gums
  • Pain when chewing
  • Loose teeth
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Receding gums

Gingivitis or periodontal disease is caused by bacterial plaque buildup. If left untreated, it can lead to gum recession and tooth loss. It would help if you visited your dentist for regular checkups.

Heart disease

Chronic inflammation is our body’s enemy. When the body fights against healthy cells, it becomes an issue called chronic inflammation. This causes gum disease to be linked to heart disease.

Poor oral health can triple your risk of heart disease.

Gum disease can cause high blood pressure and affect antihypertensive medications’ effectiveness.

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found that people suffering from periodontal disease are at an increased risk of a heart attack.

Our patients need to come back to see us regularly so we can check their gums for signs of gum disease.


High blood sugar levels cause bacteria to multiply, which leads to periodontal disease. Periodontal disease can lead to type 2 diabetes.

Gum disease affects blood sugar levels by causing inflammation in the mouth.

Bacteria entering the bloodstream through gum disease triggers an increase in blood sugar to defend against them.

Because diabetes is often associated with periodontal disease, blood sugar levels may be hard to manage among people with diabetes. Diabetic patients can also make fighting off infections such as gum disease harder. Gum disease, if left untreated, can lead to tooth loss.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Bacteria called Aggre­gatibacteina acti­mycetes are found both in gingivitis and in rheumatoid arthritis patients. They cause an inflammation of the body’s immune system, which makes the immune system proteins too active. So, they cause joint inflammations.

Alzheimer’s disease

According to this study published by Science Daily, gum disease (periodontitis) may be linked to an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Periodontal pathogens found in periodontitis have been detected in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients.

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease that affects five million American adults. It begins with memory loss and worsens over time. Experts warn against complicating factors like Alzheimer’s disease by preventing its onset through good oral hygiene practices.


Gum disease is one type of illness that leads to chronic inflammation. According to the American Heart Association, the infection in your mouth causes the immune system’s response to remain high, ensuring an inflammatory condition throughout the body.

Inflammation in people who suffer from gum disease makes them more likely to get COVID-19 and be at risk for severe complications.

Here are some simple steps to take to prevent coronavirus from putting you (and everyone else) at risk.

Regular dental appointments are essential, but seeing a dentist immediately when you notice any symptoms of gum disease is even more beneficial.

Gum disease doesn’t show signs until it gets into severe stages, so be careful not to let gum disease go unnoticed. It can only be treated as periodontal disease. So, when you brush and floss, remember that you’re doing it for your mouth and body!

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