What Happens When Cavities Form?

 In Oral Health, Teeth

Practicing good dental hygiene goes a long way when it comes to preventing cavities and other oral health issues. Many of us aren’t fully aware of the metamorphosis that takes place when you don’t brush and floss when you should. Dr. Dernick of the Woodlands dental team is committed to educating patients about the consequences of neglecting your teeth and gums. Prevention is a huge weapon in the fight against cavities and other oral health issues.

What Happens When We Eat…

After you’ve enjoyed that tasty burger and fries, the environment in your mouth becomes active if you let enough time pass. The bacteria already present in your mouth teams up with the food particles left behind, creating a not-so-healthy acid. The acid and bacteria, with the remaining food particles and saliva, form a sticky substance called plaque. If plaque isn’t removed from your teeth, decay can set in, deteriorating your teeth and creating cavities. It’s quite destructive teamwork.

The Solution

Believe it or not, simply brushing and flossing on a consistent basis is enough to stop this destructive acidic team from beginning its slow assault on your teeth and gums. When the cleaning crew comes in brushing and flossing, bacteria is effectively nixed. The simple yet effective practice of utilizing good oral hygiene is powerful enough to keep tooth decay or cavities at bay and help you to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Your Woodlands dental team wants you to remember: an ounce of toothpaste is worth a ton of tooth filling! Consistently caring for your teeth and gums is a powerful weapon against cavities and other oral health issues.

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