Sugar Free Doesn’t Mean Teeth Friendly!

 In Dental News, Oral Health, Teeth

Many people have turned to sugar free snacks as a way to eat healthier and protect their teeth. While cutting back on sugar is always a good idea, those snacks can still have a negative impact on your dental health.

Sugar Free Snacks Can Damage Enamel

Eating sugary foods causes leftover particles to get stuck in the nooks and crannies of our teeth. Plaque digests these leftovers and produce a layer of acid that can wear your enamel and cause tooth decay.

In sugar free candies and sodas there’s often a higher level of this damaging acid to begin with. This defeats the purpose of skipping the sugar and still causes damage to your enamel. This is especially true of diet soft drinks and sugar free juices. Brushing your teeth after meals, avoiding soda, and seeing Dr. Dernick for regular checkups can help!

Talk to Your Woodlands Dentist About Healthy Alternatives

Our Woodlands Dental team can give you information on healthy snacks and drinks that can preserve your enamel. Feel free to reach out for more information or to schedule an appointment today.

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