Five common reasons for the roof of your mouth to be swollen

 In Oral Health

 The roof of your mouth provides a barrier between your mouth and nasal cavities. You may notice the front feels harder and toward the back is soft. It’s not too uncommon for the roof of your mouth to become swollen. Even though most of the potential causes are minor and can be easily treated, it’s always best to see a dentist at the Woodlands Dental Group. It is not usually something to worry about, but if the top of your mouth is swollen due to a serious condition, it will need to be treated promptly.

What causes the roof of your mouth to be sore and swollen?

Sometimes when the roof of your mouth is swollen you may have other symptoms too. Symptoms like blisters, a dry mouth, pain or discomfort, or muscle spasms often accompany sore palates. Your dentist in the Woodlands, TX can determine a precise cause for the swelling and pain. The top five most common reasons for the top of the mouth to be swollen include:

  1.  Sores in your mouth. Canker sores and cold sores often appear in or around the mouth. There are times when they appear on the roof of the mouth. Sores are usually accompanied by swelling, blisters, and pain. For some, the first thing they notice is the pain before the sores ever appear.
  2.  Trauma or an injury. An injury or traumatic event is the most common reason the roof of the mouth swells. An injury can be caused by eating hard food, eating or drinking something that is extremely hot, or a sharp piece of food scratching the roof of the mouth.
  3.  Dehydration. Many people do not realize that dehydration can cause the roof of the mouth to become sore and swollen. But you will notice if the top of your mouth starts to hurt, for sure. What causes dehydration? It’s not unusual for someone who is experiencing dehydration to feel weak or have muscle spasms. Several things can cause a dry mouth and dehydration such as: 
    • Overindulgence in alcoholic drinks
    •  Some types of medications
    •  Not consuming adequate amounts of water
    •  Sweating excessively
    •  An illness
  4.     Mucoceles. A lumpy cyst can sometimes appear in the roof of the mouth. The mucus that builds up in the cyst is called mucocele. These are usually painless and are often seen after an injury like a cut on the roof of the mouth. They usually burst if left alone and don’t require any treatment. However, it’s a good idea to have anything like this checked out by a dental professional at the Woodlands Dental Group.
  5.     Other Underlying Medical Conditions. It is very rare, the top of your mouth may be swollen as a result of other medical conditions. It’s not unusual for the roof of the mouth to swell when someone has oral cancer or viral hepatitis, even though both of these conditions are rare.

When should you see a dentist in the Woodlands, TS about the swelling?

Most cases are minor and usually subside on their own without any type of treatment. If the swelling in the roof of your mouth is due to dehydration, sores, or an injury, it will likely heal without taking any steps. However, in cases where it is caused by another condition, or if the pain and swelling haven’t subsided in a few days, or you have other symptoms along with the swelling, consider scheduling an exam with a Woodlands dentist.

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