How to Prevent Mouth Sores

 In Oral Health, Overall Health

If you have ever suffered from mouth sores, you know how painful and uncomfortable they can be. Because they are so painful, they can interfere with you getting proper hydration and nutrition. They can occur anywhere in the mouth, including the tongue, gumline, or inside the cheeks or lips. The causes vary, and, in some cases, there isn’t a known cause. Most of the time, these are a minor, but painful inconvenience that will go away on their own in a couple of weeks. In other cases, they are a sign of more serious problems. In these cases, you’ll want to schedule a visit with your dentist in the Woodlands.

Treatment Options 

If you have mouth sores, there are a few ways to help reduce the irritation and pain. Avoid eating foods that are overly spicy or sour when you have a mouth sore. Clear out the bacteria by rinsing your water with warm salt water daily. Use one teaspoon of salt with ½ cup of warm water. If you use mouthwash, use alcohol-free to keep from irritating the sore. You can also purchase over-the-counter antiseptic gel to put on the site.

Preventing Mouth Sores

Since there are so many things that can cause mouth sores, it’s difficult to prevent them altogether. However, there are some things that can help you avoid having them. Always maintain good oral hygiene. This helps prevent viral infections that cause some types of mouth sores. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss once daily, and use mouthwash to reduce bacteria.

Eating a well-balanced diet can help prevent some sores if they are caused by vitamin deficiency and lack of nutrition. Be sure to include plenty of green leafy vegetables and lean meats to ensure you get adequate amounts of iron. Ask your primary care about taking a vitamin supplement. Avoid eating too many overly acidic food to help prevent their occurrence.

Avoiding mouth trauma can also help prevent mouth sores. Chew carefully so you do not accidentally bite your tongue or the inside of a cheek. If you wear dentures, make sure they fit properly. When dentures do not fit properly, they can create sores in the mouth. Also, test the temperature of food or drinks before putting them in your mouth to prevent burns.

When should I see the dentist?

Most of the time, mouth sores are not anything to be worried about. However, sometimes they can be a sign of oral cancer or serious autoimmune diseases. Most of the time, they run their course in a week or two. The main symptom is pain. If you have mouth sores accompanied by other symptoms, it is time to schedule an appointment with Dr. Dernick to be evaluated. Other symptoms that might be a sign of more serious conditions include:

  •  Swollen lymph nodes
  •  Running a fever
  •  Rashes
  •  Joint pain
  •  Sluggishness

Mouth sores that last longer than three weeks should be examined by a Woodlands dentist. Also, having them occur too frequently can be a sign of something more serious. If they are so painful you cannot eat or drink even after taking over-the-counter pain medications, schedule an appointment to be evaluated.

Worried about mouth sores? Schedule an exam today!

At The Woodlands, we are always eager to answer your questions and address your concerns. If you experience discomfort or pain, including mouth sores, call us to set up an appointment with Dr. Dernick. He is available to discuss any concerns or dental problems you may have. 

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