What can teeth whitening provide for residents?

 In Teeth Whitening

Many patients consider a whiter smile as a healthier smile. Dull, discolored teeth may seem like a smile that is not at its optimum health. However, many factors can negatively affect the color and appearance of natural teeth. For some patients, genetics and aging may cause staining and discoloration on his or her teeth. For others, their habits, or the foods and drinks they enjoy regularly, such as coffees, teas, and wine might be the cause. Thanks to cosmetic dentistry, patients can enjoy treatments such as teeth whitening. Spring residents can visit Dr. Dernick, DDS for teeth whitening treatments to brighten the color of their tooth enamel and bring forth a dazzling white smile!

Teeth whitening is considered a cosmetic treatment. Most insurance companies will not cover it. Fortunately, this treatment is very affordable and can dramatically transform a patient’s dull and discolored smile. Teeth whitening has one benefit: the whitening of a patient’s smile. Sometimes a patient may feel as though his or her teeth look dull. He or she may notice yellowing and be self-conscious about smiling, hiding behind his or her hands, or avoiding smiling or laughing. Teeth whitening can allow patients to feel beautiful once again, and enjoy showing off their new Hollywood “pearly whites!” Dr. Dernick, DDS and his staff love seeing the smiling faces of patients who have undergone teeth whitening and have reaped both the physical and emotional benefits that it can provide.

At the practice of Dr. Dernick, DDS, patients have two ways to whiten their teeth. With in-office whitening, patients can make one visit to the practice and undergo whitening, which takes approximately one to two hours. They can improve their enamel up to eight shades whiter. Alternatively, patients can also use the at-home whitening kits, which include custom-made whitening trays that fit securely over the teeth and provide optimum whitening results. They can be worn daily for several weeks to provide gradual whitening, and the treatment is completely safe and effective.

Patients who are interested in learning more about the various whitening methods available at the practice of Dr. Dernick, DDS, can call to schedule a consultation appointment and find out if teeth whitening can help transform their smiles from dull to wonderful!


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